39 research outputs found

    Trajectory Servoing: Image-Based Trajectory Tracking Using SLAM

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    This paper describes an image based visual servoing (IBVS) system for a nonholonomic robot to achieve good trajectory following without real-time robot pose information and without a known visual map of the environment. We call it trajectory servoing. The critical component is a feature-based, indirect SLAM method to provide a pool of available features with estimated depth, so that they may be propagated forward in time to generate image feature trajectories for visual servoing. Short and long distance experiments show the benefits of trajectory servoing for navigating unknown areas without absolute positioning. Trajectory servoing is shown to be more accurate than pose-based feedback when both rely on the same underlying SLAM system

    Walking-by-Logic: Signal Temporal Logic-Guided Model Predictive Control for Bipedal Locomotion Resilient to External Perturbations

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    This study proposes a novel planning framework based on a model predictive control formulation that incorporates signal temporal logic (STL) specifications for task completion guarantees and robustness quantification. This marks the first-ever study to apply STL-guided trajectory optimization for bipedal locomotion push recovery, where the robot experiences unexpected disturbances. Existing recovery strategies often struggle with complex task logic reasoning and locomotion robustness evaluation, making them susceptible to failures caused by inappropriate recovery strategies or insufficient robustness. To address this issue, the STL-guided framework generates optimal and safe recovery trajectories that simultaneously satisfy the task specification and maximize the locomotion robustness. Our framework outperforms a state-of-the-art locomotion controller in a high-fidelity dynamic simulation, especially in scenarios involving crossed-leg maneuvers. Furthermore, it demonstrates versatility in tasks such as locomotion on stepping stones, where the robot must select from a set of disjointed footholds to maneuver successfully